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How This Simple “Food Plan” Gave Me My Life Back…

September 29 – 7 Min Read 

I managed to stay fit and healthy when I was younger. In college, I loved nothing more than wearing a bikini and going to the beach with my friends. I never imagined that as I got older, however, there I was.

My marriage lacked the “fire” it once had. I stopped being “intimate” with my husband. He thought that I wasn’t attracted to him anymore. But really – I felt so fat and ugly that the thought of him seeing me naked made me sick. I knew if he saw just how bad I looked now he would be disgusted and file for a divorce right away.

My health was getting worse, as my weight increased over the years so had my blood pressure and cholesterol so I knew right then and there I had to do something.

Started Looking for Answers – Food Plan

Firstly, our bodies run on sugar or “glucose” all day. This is why we crave chocolate and sugary drinks all the time. But there’s a better fuel for us. For example, one that runs off “fat”. If you can get your body to burn fat for energy, that’s the real trick to losing weight effortlessly. In fact, once you switch to fat-burning mode – you don’t even want to exercise! 

So I knew I had nothing to lose if I gave this simple, customized eating plan a try I used the special software that asked me what my favorite foods are. I plugged in my height and weight (this is all private by the way so one else ever sees it!), and then I clicked the button to give me my results. Instantly I was blown away.

“All my favorite foods were there and it told me EXACTLY what to eat for each meal. All the recipes too! And even a grocery list I could print right off and take with me to the grocery store. It couldn’t have been more convenient. Well, actually it could. Because the program also gave me options for eating out! I could replace any meal I wanted with restaurant or fast food options. I was in heaven!”

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Do you want a customized eating plan special for you?

Let’s find a custom plan for you to lose weight eating your FAVORITE foods.

It’s important to keep in mind that I did all of this in my food plan…

➡️ Without doing any exercise at all!

➡️ I ate all my favorite foods – there wasn’t one thing I was “forced to eat” or had to choke down!

➡️About 48 hours I got rid of all my cravings! For the first time in forever, I felt like a “normal” person!

➡️ I didn’t ever once feel like I was starving myself or doing without

➡️ I still went out to eat with the family knowing that I could order a regular meal that tasted good!

And I owe it all to…

This ‘Simple, Customized Plan’ that transformed my life.